Ruby on Rails Monday, October 31, 2016

run rails -e production

error like this:

Internal Server Error

Missing `secret_key_base` for 'production' environment, set this value in `config/secrets.yml`

Pada Senin, 31 Oktober 2016 15.54.06 UTC+7, Chirag Jain menulis:
Try to launch your app locally in production mode

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Ruby on Rails

There's a new RoR consulting firm based out of NYC, if anyone needs services:

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Ruby on Rails

Try to launch your app locally in production mode

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Ruby on Rails Sunday, October 30, 2016

how deploy to heroku,i was make app with db postgresql(3 tabels) on local.
1.push (succes)
2.heroku run rake db:migrate (succes)
3.i click 'open app' on dashboard heroku show message appliaction error
4.i open logs on dashborad like this error H10 screenshot:

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Ruby on Rails Saturday, October 29, 2016

On Sat, Oct 29, 2016 at 4:00 AM, Vivek Vvk <> wrote:
> yes, it is. But I was looking for more of a delivery process.

Uh, then why did you title your post "continuous integration"?

> How abt delivering it like a package to external clients?

How about it? What exactly do you mean by "like a package"?

What do you expect these "external clients" to do with the "package"?

Hint: if you can't actually define your requirements, you're unlikely to
find very good solutions here or anywhere else :-)

Hassan Schroeder ------------------------
twitter: @hassan
Consulting Availability : Silicon Valley or remote

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Ruby on Rails

yes, it is. But I was looking for more of a delivery process. Pulling the latest version from repository and restarting app is fine for internal deployment. How abt delivering it like a package to external clients?

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Ruby on Rails Friday, October 28, 2016

Yes, Rod, thank you for the idea. I knew that, it would work. I don't want to mess the View stuff with the the Model ones. The input will be done by admins only (back office), so this kind of GUI will have no danger and will make it possibe for them to encode formulas and a final user will see the desired result as needed.


On Wednesday, 26 October 2016 12:45:48 UTC+2, Serguei Cambour wrote:
How is it possible to call sanitize on the below collection_radio_buttons method:

= f.collection_radio_buttons :answer_ids, @question.answers, :id

I tried as follows and it failed:

= f.collection_radio_buttons :answer_ids, @question.answers, :id, sanitize(:text, tags: %w(sub sup))

Any idea? Thank you.

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Ruby on Rails Thursday, October 27, 2016

On 2016-Oct-27, at 08:26 , Serguei Cambour <> wrote:

I figured out how to achieve that:

<%= f.collection_radio_buttons :name, [[true, 'H<sub>2</sub>O'] ,[false, 'SO<sub>2</sub>']],:first, :last do |b| %>
        <%= b.label {b.radio_button + sanitize(b.text, tags: %w(sub sup))}%>

On Wednesday, 26 October 2016 12:45:48 UTC+2, Serguei Cambour wrote:
How is it possible to call sanitize on the below collection_radio_buttons method:

= f.collection_radio_buttons :answer_ids, @question.answers, :id

I tried as follows and it failed:

= f.collection_radio_buttons :answer_ids, @question.answers, :id, sanitize(:text, tags: %w(subsup))

Any idea? Thank you.

While I wouldn't normally suggest this for user-supplied data, you could change the Answer#text to return .sanitize'd strings:

class Answer

  include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper 
  def text
    sanitize(read_attribute(:text), tags: %w[sub sup])


think that this will work, but I haven't tried it myself.


Ruby on Rails

I figured out how to achieve that:

<%= f.collection_radio_buttons :name, [[true, 'H<sub>2</sub>O'] ,[false, 'SO<sub>2</sub>']], :first, :last do |b| %>
<%= b.label {b.radio_button + sanitize(b.text, tags: %w(sub sup))}%>

On Wednesday, 26 October 2016 12:45:48 UTC+2, Serguei Cambour wrote:
How is it possible to call sanitize on the below collection_radio_buttons method:

= f.collection_radio_buttons :answer_ids, @question.answers, :id

I tried as follows and it failed:

= f.collection_radio_buttons :answer_ids, @question.answers, :id, sanitize(:text, tags: %w(sub sup))

Any idea? Thank you.

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Ruby on Rails

I meant how to change or customise a radio button label text so that to be able to display Math and chemistry formulas using



On Wednesday, 26 October 2016 12:45:48 UTC+2, Serguei Cambour wrote:
How is it possible to call sanitize on the below collection_radio_buttons method:

= f.collection_radio_buttons :answer_ids, @question.answers, :id

I tried as follows and it failed:

= f.collection_radio_buttons :answer_ids, @question.answers, :id, sanitize(:text, tags: %w(sub sup))

Any idea? Thank you.

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Ruby on Rails Wednesday, October 26, 2016

On Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 06:37:13AM -0700, Vivek Vvk wrote:
> yes, thats more of a deployment tool. I am able to deploy my rails app in a
> continuos manner right now. I just want to know if my approach is rite and
> if there is any specific build techniques for rails app. Currently, I just
> pull the source code from repo --> tar it into a package--> stop app in
> target ---> untar the package in target (and some other release versioning
> stuff) using ansible --> start the app.

Continuous integration is not a well defined term, but you are just
describing the deployment step. That is not continuous integration. That
said it really doesn't matter what deployment tool you use. Capistrano
is the most popular. Ansible is fine, but it sounds like you aren't
really leveraging most of Ansible's features.

If you want to improve you process:

* Get your deployment processes dialed in to where you can deploy at any
time by calling a single command. You don't want a combination of
manual steps, home rolled scripts, and tools.

* Fully leverage whatever tool you choose. Both Ansible and Capistrano
can do everything you describe, but you are just using Ansible to
restart your web server.

* Try and reduce your down time - you are stopping your app too
soon. Setup your new app, point your web server at the new app, and
then restart the web server. There are many ways to do this. One
popular way is to make a symlink that points at your application
directory and configure your web server to use that symlink as your
application directory. Then you can just point the symlink at
your new directory and restart the web server. Capistrano does this
for you.

There's a lot of good information on deploying rails apps with
Capistrano. If you aren't already an expert in Ansible I would give
Capistrano a go. I does a lot of things correctly right out of the box.

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Ruby on Rails

On 26 October 2016 at 14:37, Vivek Vvk <> wrote:
yes, thats more of a deployment tool. I am able to deploy my rails app in a continuos manner right now. I just want to know if my approach is rite and if there is any specific build techniques for rails app. Currently, I just pull the source code from repo --> tar it into a package--> stop app  in target ---> untar the package in target (and some other release versioning stuff) using ansible --> start the app.

Is that not deployment? - Pulling the latest version from a repo onto the target and restarting it.
That is what capistrano is for.



On Wednesday, 26 October 2016 04:04:05 UTC+5:30, Hassan Schroeder wrote:
On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 1:03 PM, Vivek Vvk <> wrote:

> Please suggest if we have any specific build process for rails app.

I'd call this more of a "deployment" than "build" tool, but it's most
definitely in widespread use:

Hassan Schroeder ------------------------
twitter: @hassan
Consulting Availability : Silicon Valley or remote

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Ruby on Rails

On Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 6:37 AM, Vivek Vvk <> wrote:
> yes, thats more of a deployment tool. I am able to deploy my rails app in a
> continuos manner right now. I just want to know if my approach is rite and
> if there is any specific build techniques for rails app.

What do you think you need to "build"? Ruby isn't Java :-)

Hassan Schroeder ------------------------
twitter: @hassan
Consulting Availability : Silicon Valley or remote

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Ruby on Rails

yes, thats more of a deployment tool. I am able to deploy my rails app in a continuos manner right now. I just want to know if my approach is rite and if there is any specific build techniques for rails app. Currently, I just pull the source code from repo --> tar it into a package--> stop app  in target ---> untar the package in target (and some other release versioning stuff) using ansible --> start the app.


On Wednesday, 26 October 2016 04:04:05 UTC+5:30, Hassan Schroeder wrote:
On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 1:03 PM, Vivek Vvk <> wrote:

> Please suggest if we have any specific build process for rails app.

I'd call this more of a "deployment" than "build" tool, but it's most
definitely in widespread use:

Hassan Schroeder ------------------------
twitter: @hassan
Consulting Availability : Silicon Valley or remote

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Ruby on Rails

How is it possible to call sanitize on the below collection_radio_buttons method:

= f.collection_radio_buttons :answer_ids, @question.answers, :id

I tried as follows and it failed:

= f.collection_radio_buttons :answer_ids, @question.answers, :id, sanitize(:text, tags: %w(sub sup))

Any idea? Thank you.

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Ruby on Rails Tuesday, October 25, 2016

On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 1:03 PM, Vivek Vvk <> wrote:

> Please suggest if we have any specific build process for rails app.

I'd call this more of a "deployment" than "build" tool, but it's most
definitely in widespread use:

Hassan Schroeder ------------------------
twitter: @hassan
Consulting Availability : Silicon Valley or remote

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Ruby on Rails


I am using Jenkins and ansible to automate my rails application deployment process. I would like to know, if there is any specific build process for rails app like Java application.

Right now, I am using the below set of process to automate my application deployment.

·       Fetches the code from Git source code repository.

·       Build the code (tar) and put it in the build server.

·       Triggers the deployment jobs.


·       Copy the build package to the remote deployment server.

·       Un tar the build package.

·       Tag the release version.

·       Stop app

·       Link the release version to the application folder. (Deploy application)

·       Start app

·       Maintains 3 release versions in the target deployment server. (So that we can rollback to previous version of the code, if required.

Please suggest if we have any specific build process for rails app. Currently I am just using tar.

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Ruby on Rails Monday, October 24, 2016

Does rails guarantee that the order of execution of multiple append_action_filters is same as the order in which these filters appear in the source file? For example,
I have a rails controller problems_controller.rb, a snippet from which is copied below.

append_before_action :force_sign_out_if_token_about_to_expire,  
only: [:get_create_problem_page, 

append_before_action :require_signed_in_user,  
only [:get_create_problem_page,  

By using print statements, I can see that for all three actions listed above, force_sign_out_if_token_about_to_expire is executed before require_signed_in_user. But I couldn't find rails documentation which supports this observation. Though I could find documentation for filter chain ordering here , for my application I would prefer to use the filters in the style listed above. Also, there is a problem I am facing if I try using the filters as stated in documentation. I can elaborate on that if required.

Thank you in advance,

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Ruby on Rails

oh, plus I have these two things: 
* rails template thor script:

On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 8:02 AM tamouse pontiki <> wrote:
I'm pretty sure you know this, but I have my own set of startup templates at

On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 12:57 AM Allen Maxwell <> wrote:

Depending on my needs, I often use RailsComposer by Daniel Kehoe.  Some great options and the ability to create your own scripts - so you can build whatever you like...

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Ruby on Rails

I'm pretty sure you know this, but I have my own set of startup templates at

On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 12:57 AM Allen Maxwell <> wrote:

Depending on my needs, I often use RailsComposer by Daniel Kehoe.  Some great options and the ability to create your own scripts - so you can build whatever you like...

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Ruby on Rails

I have a general question about Rails.

Currently I am responsible for developing a web, whose language is not determined yet.
But there has already been a Rails web app with devise authentication.  My new web app is somewhat independent of this existing app, but authentications should be unified for user-convenience, I believe.

Is there anyway to use the authentication functionality of this Rails app for the new app? Kind of authentication API ?

I appreciate your help.

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Ruby on Rails Sunday, October 23, 2016

Depending on my needs, I often use RailsComposer by Daniel Kehoe.  Some great options and the ability to create your own scripts - so you can build whatever you like...

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