Ruby on Rails Sunday, May 1, 2011

Also, and I should have said this before, I noticed that in your
property list it looks like you're storing social security numbers
(SSN). I just want to add a friendly word of advice - encrypt them if
you can. I can see a lot of havoc happening if some hacker got his
hands on a list of unencrypted (or weakly encrypted) SSN's, both from
the standpoint of the person who's identity might be stolen, and for
your organization, who may end up fielding a LOT of lawsuits as a
result if something like that happens.

Here's a link to one approach that I've used myself before, and I
thought it worked rather well:

Good luck!

On May 1, 2:45 pm, Mauro <> wrote:
> On 1 May 2011 21:12, Carina Brito <> wrote:
> > Sorry, i went at my gemfile and i saw what i use for search is meta_search.
> > Execuse me.
> I'm trying meta_search now. :-)

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