Ruby on Rails Sunday, May 1, 2011

On 1 May 2011 17:02, David Mr. <> wrote:
> Colin Law wrote in post #996041:
>> So if you put a break point immediately after
>> setax = setA.split(" ")
>> then setax is nil, but if you then (while still broken) do
>> setax=setA.split(" ") then setax gets a value.
>> If so I find that most remarkable.
>> You have not said how setax and setbx are defined.  Are they db cols
>> for the model in which setup_data is defined or what?
>> Colin
> Correct.  I put a  break point immediately after
> setax = setA.split(" ") and it is nil.
> p setax
> nil
> Then do
> setax = setA.split(" ") and setax gets a value.
> p setax
> ["test", "linux"]

Very odd, even ludicrous. Could you copy and paste the relevant bit
of the terminal output here? Also paste the setup_data method please.
In your first version of the code it was @setax, now it is setax. Which is it?

> setax and setbx are only variables used to for searching columns in the
> Search table.  They are not used anywhere else.  Part of the code below:

So are they just local variables within that method? Can you do a
global search for setax and make sure they are not defined elsewhere
also. The only way I can see you getting the effect you are seeing in
the debugger is if there is more than one var of that name and the
debugger is showing the wrong one. You could rename it in that method
to see what happens.


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