Ruby on Rails Saturday, January 25, 2014


You made me think I might have run the migration prematurely.  So far, all examples in the book have worked perfectly (I can't say that for many books!) so it might be a layer 8 issue....  I don't remember running it before I updated the migration file, but it's possible.  If the t.references should work, I'm happy to know that at least.  I'll go back and run through another test to see if it gets the same results.


On Saturday, January 25, 2014 8:59:30 AM UTC-5, Frederick Cheung wrote:
On Friday, January 24, 2014 7:25:02 PM UTC+1, Martin Sloan wrote:
> Hello,
> My issue is that after I migrate this file, when I try to make an association between the article and category object (article.categories << category) it spits an error that article_id does not exist in articles_categories table.  It makes sense to me since the references above do no have _id appended in the class.  If I change the class to the following, creating the relationship between article and category works fine:

That should work - t.references should add the _id to the column name for you. What columns did this add? Are you sure you didn't run the migration before you had finished editing it?


> class CreateArticlesCategories < ActiveRecord::Migration
>   def change
>     create_table :articles_categories, :id=> false do |t|
>       t.integer :article_id
>       t.integer :category_id
>     end
>   end
>   def self.down
>     drop_table :articles_categories
>   end
> end
> My question is, how can I get the 't.references' format to work so that AR looks for an 'articles' and 'categories' column, instead of the same with _id appended?
> Thanks

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