Ruby on Rails
Sunday, July 27, 2014
I made helper for Bootstrap Form. In it I made a separate method has_error?, who must determine whether the error messages, but this is not happening. How can I fix it? If there are still errors, omissions, and not the optimal code will once remarks and comments as to optimize (because I just learning ROR)
Here is the method itself has_error? (a piece of code from the file app/helpers/bootstrap_control_helper.rb: 93)
... def has_error?(obj, method) obj.respond_to?(:errors) && !(method.nil? || obj.errors[method].empty?) end ...
Here is the full text of the file app/helpers/bootstrap_control_helper.rb:
module BootstrapControlHelper attr_reader :object, :template, :options COMMON_OPTIONS = [:layout, :label_class, :label_col, :label_offset, :label_text, :control_class, :control_col, :control_offset, :invisible_label, :placeholder, :popover, :error_disable, :row_disable, :required] LABEL_OPTIONS = [:layout, :label_class, :label_col, :label_text, :label_offset, :invisible_label] CONTROL_OPTIONS = [:layout, :control_class, :control_col, :control_offset] FIELD_HELPERS = %w{color_field date_field datetime_field datetime_local_field email_field month_field number_field password_field phone_field range_field search_field telephone_field text_area text_field time_field url_field week_field} DATE_SELECT_HELPERS = %w{date_select time_select datetime_select} def self.create_tagged_field(method_name) define_method(method_name) do |obj, method, options = {}| generate_form_group(obj, method, options) do super(obj, method, options.except(*COMMON_OPTIONS)) end end end FIELD_HELPERS.each do |method_name| create_tagged_field(method_name) end def generate_form_group_row(options = {}) options[:control_col] ? content_tag(:div, "", class: "row") { yield } : yield end def generate_form_group(obj, method, options = {}, &block) generate_form_group_row(options.slice(:control_ col)) do if options[:control_col] && options[:layout].nil? options[:class] = [options[:class], grid_system_class(options[:control_col])].compact.join(" ") end options[:class] = [options[:class], "form-group"].compact.join(" ") options[:class] = [options[:class], "has-error"].compact.join(" ") if has_error?(obj, method) content_tag(:div, class: options[:class]) do generate_label(obj, method, options. slice(*LABEL_OPTIONS)).concat(generate_control(options, &block)) end end end def generate_label(obj, method, options={}) options[:class] = label_class(options) label(obj, method, options[:label_text], options.slice(:class)) end def label_class(options={}) options[:label_class] = [options[:label_class], "sr-only"].compact.join(" ") if options[:invisible_label] options[:label_class] = [options[:label_class], "control-label"].compact.join(" ") if options[:layout] == :horizontal [label_col_class(options), options[:label_class]].compact.join(" ") end def label_col_class(options={}) unless options[:label_col] if options[:layout] == :horizontal grid_system_class(defau lt_horizontal_label_col) elsif options[:layout] == :inline "sr-only" end else options[:label_col] end end def generate_control(options={}, &block) options[:class] = control_class(options) if options[:layout] == :horizontal content_tag(:div, class: control_col_class(options)) { yield } else yield end end def control_class(options={}) ["form-control", options[:control_class]].compact.join(" ") end def control_col_class(options={}) unless options[:control_col] grid_system_class(default_horizonta l_control_col) if options[:layout] == :horizontal else grid_system_class(options[:control_ col]) end end def has_error?(obj, method) obj.respond_to?(:errors) && !(method.nil? || obj.errors[method].empty?) end def grid_system_class(col=default_control_col) "col-#{default_grid_system}-#{col}" if (1..12).include?(col) end def grid_system_offset_class(col=default_offset_control_col) "col-#{default_grid_system}-offset-#{col}" if (1..12).include?(col) end def default_offset_control_col 3 end def default_horizontal_label_col 3 end def default_control_col 12 end def default_horizontal_control_col 7 end def default_date_col 4 end def default_grid_system "sm" end def error_class "has-error" end end
Here is the full text of the file app/helpers/bootstrap_form_helper.rb:
module BootstrapFormHelper def bootstrap_form_for(object, options={}, &block) layout = case options[:layout] when :inline "form-inline" when :horizontal "form-horizontal" end if layout options[:html] ||= {} options[:html][:class] = [options[:html][:class], layout].compact.join(" ") end form_for(object, options, &block) end end
Here is the full text of the file app/helpers/bootstrap_builder_helper.rb:
module BootstrapBuilderHelper class BootstrapBuilderHelper < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder # NestedForm::Builder include BootstrapControlHelper include BootstrapFormHelper end end
And the form in which I test app / views / sessions / new.html.erb:
... <%= bootstrap_form_for(:session, url: sessions_path, html: { role: "form" }) do |session_fields| %> <%= session_fields.text_field(:email, control_col: 8) %> <%= session_fields.password_field(:password, control_col: 8) %> <% end %> ...
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