Ruby on Rails Monday, September 29, 2014

Recently i have posted this issue, so then i tried another way to cache the javascript and css, things like

This is routes.rb

offline = Rack::Offline.configure  do     cache ActionController::Base.helpers.asset_path("application.css")  cache ActionController::Base.helpers.asset_path("application.js")  cache ActionController::Base.helpers.asset_path("jquery.offline.js")  cache ActionController::Base.helpers.asset_path("jquery.tmpl.min.js")  cache ActionController::Base.helpers.asset_path("json.js")    network "/"  end  get "/application.manifest" => offline

This is the application.html.erb

<!DOCTYPE html>  <html manifest="/application.manifest">  <head>  <title>OfflineTest</title>  <%= stylesheet_link_tag    'application', media: 'all' %>  <%= javascript_include_tag 'application' %>  <%= csrf_meta_tags %>  </head>  <body>    <%= yield %>    </body>  </html>

This is index.html.erb

Listing    <%= form_for do |f| %>  <p>  <%= f.text_field :name %>  <%= f.submit "Add" %>  </p>  <% end %>    <script type="text/html" id="item_template">  <li>${name}</li>  </script>  <ol id="items">  <li><em>Loading items...</em></li>  </ol>

This is application.js

//= require jquery  //= require jquery_ujs  //= require jquery.tmpl.min  //= require jquery.offline  //= require json  //= require_tree .    $(document).ready(function(){  if ($.support.localStorage) {  $(window.applicationCache).bind("error", function() {    console.log("There was an error when loading the cache manifest.");  });  if (!localStorage["pendingItems"]) {    localStorage["pendingItems"] = JSON.stringify([]);  }  $.retrieveJSON("/items.json", function(data) {    var pendingItems = $.parseJSON(localStorage["pendingItems"]);    $("#items").html($("#item_template").tmpl(data.concat(pendingItems)));  });    } else {  alert("Try a different browser.");  }  });

and added the gem

gem "rack-offline"

after this when i go for the application.manifest , it seems like

CACHE MANIFEST  # 1ad140903542ef1549ddf41cb57e9105786a8b344d7fab9278323e9402e61d14  /assets/application.css  /assets/application.js  /assets/jquery.offline.js  /assets/jquery.tmpl.min.js  /assets/json.js    NETWORK:   /

So the problem coming here like, when i stop the server and check, its not loading the JS and CSS files, that means not loading the data in view, but its working with online, actually i have tried the same way in rails 4.0.2 and ruby 2.0.0 that worked. but when i comes to rails 4.1.6 and ruby 2.1.2 its not working with the offline mode. is there any issues with my configuration and all these?

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