Ruby on Rails Thursday, August 4, 2016

On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 1:25 PM, Jedrin <> wrote:

> Someone once tried to convince me that something like the following is bad
> form:
> if obj = get_client
> ..
> end
> Not sure why it matters that much or if it should always be avoided .. any
> thoughts ?
> This used to be very typical in C

Yes, and it was considered bad form there too. In both cases, it
leads one to wonder, did the author *mean* to assign, or just forget
the extra = in ==? If the code structure is such that you pretty much
HAVE to do that, then put a comment to that effect. I've also seen
many people slap parens around the assignment, i.e., "if (obj =
get_client)", in *both* languages -- that will shut up the warnings
some C compilers would otherwise (rightfully) generate.

Dave Aronson, consulting software developer of,,, and

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