Ruby on Rails Monday, December 25, 2017

First of all, Happy holidays to you folks.
Secondly, I'd like to deeply appreciate the help you're giving me

Hassan, I'll search for this material you've suggested ^^. But I didn't understand why this doesn't belong to the controller (since it's on the controller), but I hope I can make it clearer at the end of this message. I also have a difficulty on describing my problem as a set of tests, since it's not completely clear to me the complete set of states of execution my app will go through

Radhames, I couldn't understand what you tried to tell me there (copying what you said) --> "the controller is a class that should only be handle handling where to direct the request, not actually performing operations on the data or whatever."

Talking about what I want to do. My long-term goal is to simulate a MLB season game by game (with every kind of play and player).  To achieve it, I want to build a method to simulate a match. By now, and as a short-term goal, I want to produce a generic result, and important for me is building a good algorithm not depending on where to build it (controller, model, or helper -- it sounds a little freak to me to make on the view (I'm doing it, but I swear it's just provisory LOL))

 In a close future, I want to take the simulation to next level, creating a model for pitchers and batters. But again, it's something for future steps.

I know I have a long way to go through on learning Rails, but on groups like these, my learning goes faster
Again, thank you, Hassan and Radhames

Em sábado, 23 de dezembro de 2017 06:03:24 UTC-2, André Luiz Abdalla Silveira escreveu:
Guys, I'm making a baseball league application, and I'm facing some challenges. Biggest of them is trying to make a match simulation method (I didn't think a view was necessary for it). This method is in matches_controller.rb, but again, there isn't any view for that. How do you think I should handle it? Have you ever faced any similar trouble?

PS: I love sports at all, so if you have a hockey application to share (it doesn't have to be written in Rails), please do it

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