Ruby on Rails Sunday, June 9, 2019

Rails 6 will have this feature

For Rails 5.2, personally, I wouldn't add the file to the source control. I would do this steps:

1- run rails credentials:edit locally
2- add the credentials for production and save
3- upload the file to your hosting at /home/user/your_app/shared/config/
4- configure capistrano to symlink that file on each deploy (at config/deploy.rb)

set :linked_files, fetch(:linked_files, [])+%W{config/credentials.yml.enc}

Now, on each deploy, capistrano runs a task that adds some symlink to the current release pointing to /shared so they are kept between releases. Your file /home/user/your_app/current/config/credentials.yml.enc will actually be a symlink to /home/user/your_app/shared/config/credentials.yml.enc. You can just have that on production, use one on development and add it to the .gitignore file so it doesn't conflict with the symlink.

El dom., 9 jun. 2019 a las 22:40, Jason Fleetwood-Boldt (<>) escribió:
In some apps I've worked on Rails 5.1 and prior, environment variables, saved directly into the source code.

In rails 5.2 Custom credentials encourages us to check-in only the encrypted version of our configuration, and keep our master.key keyfile outside of our repository. 

My question is this: Is there a way to segregate by environment? (i.e., development, staging, production?)

seems like the instructions for setting up AWS keys, for example, would have the dev, staging + production all pointing to & using the same AWS bucket, access key, and secret. But it seems like for many services I'd want to have different credentials for different environments. 

I found this SO post that discusses this question, but unfortunately it doesn't present a very good answer IMHO because the there are only two answers: 1) I don't quite understand and 2) a suggestion to basically check all your ENV variables against each of your environments, which seems like it could encourage a messy setup. I much like answer #1 from this SO post, but I don't understand how to implement it practically. 

any tip appreciated. 

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