Ruby on Rails Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Frank Burleigh wrote:
> I've always distrusted the ruby and rails installs on my Mac (oOS X
> 10.6.3) --

I've noticed this distrust in a lot of people. Can't see any reason for
it myself. Apple's Ruby has always worked fine for me. I'll be
installing 1.9.2 and RVM at some point, but until then I'll save my
effort and disk space and not build my own Ruby. If that costs me geek
brownie points, so be it. :D.

> sudo gem cleanup can't seem to get rid of old gem versions
> (lots of Gem::InstallError: cannot uninstall).

Never seen that. Find and fix the problem instead of just "distrusting"
your development environment.

Again: Apple's Ruby is perfectly trustworthy. If it's not working for
you, the problem is most likely elsewhere (perhaps a reinstallation of
Apple's dev tools is in order...).

Marnen Laibow-Koser
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