Ruby on Rails Sunday, October 31, 2010

Thanks for the help.

@Walter - I'll have a look through the comments at the git page to see
if I can find anything about specific paperclip versions working with
rails3 / s3, and the same for aws-s3, thanks for the tip!

@ArailsDemo A. - That turoial looks really good, I'll try and go back
and do the whole thing one day! I have a couple of questions regarding
the paperclip / s3 part.

1. - Your model 'Resources' has the line
t.references :attachable, :polymorphic => true
is this important for being able to attach photos?

2. I'm inputting my photos in a different way, I have the lines:
<%= f.label :photo %>
<%= f.file_field :photo%>
Whereas you have:
= resource_f.input :attachment, :label => 'File'

I've tried substituing your way, and the 'new' page returns the error
undefined method `input' for...

Is this crucial in your setup?

3. I keep coming back to the line
:path => "/:style/:id"
Which in your tutorial is
:path => "/:style/:filename"

Every example seems to have a slightly different line here, what is this
referring to? Is this the structure of me s3 account? is 'style' the
paperclip reference for 'thumb / small / post' etc? Where do you get the
word ':filename' from??

Thanks again for you help, and a great tutroial.


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