Ruby on Rails Thursday, June 30, 2011

Walter Lee Davis <waltd@...> writes:

> Has anyone used this combination before? I am curious how I am going
> to enforce my authorization rules beyond the view layer w/r/t
> invitations.
> Certain groups of users will be able to invite new users, but most
> will not. When one group of users makes invitations, that magically
> sets the role of the invited user to a particular group, and locks
> that invited user into a Practice inherited from the person who
> invited them.
> Since the Devise Invitable controller lives in a gem, how can I reach
> in there and extend it to be aware of these restrictions?
> Thanks in advance,
> Walter

Since all requests must be handled by a Controller, you can simply bake your
business logic into the controller in question. For example:

load_and_authorize_resource # Be sure to specify who can create Users in

def create
user = User.create params[:user]
user.roles << current_user.roles # Or whatever floats your boat

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