Ruby on Rails Friday, July 1, 2011

Dude, one lil example:

put this in your public/javascript

function maskTelefone(source, event) {
    return mask(source, event, '99 9999-9999', '0123456789');

then, in your view, call like this

<%= f.text_field :del_fone, :size => 13, :maxlength => 12, :onkeypress => "return maskTelefone(this,event);" %>

works fine fella!

any doubt, please, talk

2011/7/1 Walter Lee Davis <>
That's done with JavaScript. Have a google for the term 'input mask', and step well back when you see the zillions of results.


On Jul 1, 2011, at 9:48 AM, Rodrigo Ruiz wrote:

How can I manage to make it appear automatically, the + and () and - in the telephone +00(00)0000-0000 and the / in the date like mm/dd/yyyy, as the user types only numbers? And how to enable only numbers to be typed?

And what type are those kind of information saved in the database? strings?

On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 3:29 PM, Walter Lee Davis <> wrote:

On Jul 1, 2011, at 9:13 AM, Rodrigo Ruiz wrote:

Can't I do that only with ruby and rails?

On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 3:25 AM, Leoncio Caminha <> wrote:
make on javascript for that and call in :onkeypress => 'yourJS(this);' i think so
Em 30/06/2011, às 22:23, Rodrigo Ruiz escreveu:

You could certainly clean up any user input in a before_validation filter method. I don't know how you would figure out which mask to use, but what I usually do is first strip out anything that isn't a numeral, and then take the numbers back through a mask so that first n numbers are area code, next are exchange, then station, then extension if anything is left over. If you had multiple nations or any optional elements (country code) then the problem gets a lot harder to solve.

By the way, as Leoncio pointed out, this could all be done in JavaScript, and the implementation is largely the same; string operations being more or less identical (and with Prototype.js, even having the same names for the functions) in either JavaScript or Ruby.


> Well, that's basically it, how can I make an input field for date like mm/dd/yyyy and for telephone like +xx (xx) xxxx-xxxx.
> Thank you,
> Rodrigo
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