Ruby on Rails Monday, August 1, 2011

Filippos wrote in post #1014091:
> your implementation makes more sense to me than the example of the
> book.
> In your code you write:
> def get_user_from_cookie
> @current_user || begin <------- what is the begin ? or is that line
> code a typo?

The begin-end block allows you to write multiple lines of code on the
right side of an ||. It's the same as if you did this:

@current_user || method_1

def method 1
cookie_array = cookies.signed[:remember_token]

if cookie_array
@current_user = User.authenticate_with_salt(*cookie_arr)
return @current_user
return nil

The return value of method1 gets inserted in place of the method1
'function' call on the right side of the ||.

> Pffff... it took me back to basics!
> According to the book with attr_accessor we create virtual attributes
> (when we dont want to save something in the database).
> But it uses them inside a model class (user class) so it's been called
> as self.password (when attr_accessor :password)
> I didn't see it outside a model class so im having problems
> understanding and getting used to getter and setter outside a model
> class since its the same thing.

All classes have the same abilities in ruby. It doesn't matter whether
you call a class a Model or a Controller or something else.

> Not to mention the "self" outside a model class... very strange.

self refers to different objects depending on where you are in your
code. The two main places that you need to know about is:

1) Inside a class but outside any def's, self refers to the class.
2) Inside a method definition, self refers to the object calling the
method. And it appears that in most situations in rails, that is going
to be the sess_controller = object. Of course if
you are inside a method in the UsersController, then rails will call
those actions using a users_contr = object.

> So the logic behind Helpers and the module is that when we're not
> using a model (px for Sessions) and since the code needed for sign-
> in / sign-out doesn't involve an action-view relationship like with
> Controllers -it's just methods and programming-
Apparently, rails allows you to put some methods into a common directory
when you want to use them in more than one controller. You put the
methods inside a module, and save the file in the app/helpers directory.
Then if you want to use the methods in a certain controller you write
'include ModuleName' in the application_controller.rb file:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
include SessionsHelper

and that inserts the bundle of methods in the ApplicationController
class. And because your controllers all inherit from the
ApplicationController class:

class SessionsController < ApplicationController can call any of the methods in the bundle from inside the actions
in the SessionsController class.

> About the methods.
> def method1
> ...
> end
> is one type of method which doesn't require an argument
> whereas
> def method2(string1, string2, string3...)
> ...
> end
> is the other type which requires input.


> So you mean that since we dont write "self" Rails infers:
> self.method1 and self.method2(string1, string2, string3...) when we
> call them?

Yes. All methods must be called by some object. If you don't
explicitly write the object in front of the method call, then ruby uses

> with self being the session_controller = or
> session_helper =

Inside an action, self will be the object calling the action, which will
be the controller instance that rails creates to call the action. So
for a SessionsController action, rails will create a sess_controller = object, and for a UsersController rails will
create a users_contr = object. The only way you can
call methods in a class is if you first create an object of the class,
and then use that object to call the methods. A controller is just a
ruby class, and actions are just methods inside a class, so in order for
an action to execute, it has to be called using an object of that class.

The reason the tests did not catch the typo in my code is because in the
tests, is because the create actions calls the signed_in helper method,
and signed_in does this:

@current_user = user

So when get_user_from_cookie is called:

def get_user_from_cookie
@current_user || begin ....

@current_user is always true, so the right side of the || never
executes. In other words, the tests we have written so far do not test
the case when @current_user = nil. I don't know if that is an
oversight, or whether that will be tested later.

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