Ruby on Rails Thursday, September 1, 2011

On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 3:21 AM, Leo M. <> wrote:
I tried to do as you suggested but it doesn't show anything. I've tried
also to figure out if it wasn't a nil object but it's not even this.
For instance, on tag.html.erb :

<% @posts.each do |post| %>
 <%= post.title.class%>
 <%= post.tags%>

it gives as result a blank page, it not even shows which class are those
elements. But still, it doesn't either give errors.

What I did then was to change the 'tag' action in PostsController in :

   @posts = Post.tagged_with(params[:id])

But then I'm wondering if the mistake isn't in the post's index.html.erb
, because this is what I did :

<% @posts.each do |post| %>
   <td><%= post.title %></td>
   <td><%= post.body %></td>
   <td> <% post.tag_list %>
 <% b = a.to_a %>
<% b.each do |tag|%>
<%= link_to tag, {:controller => :posts, :action => :tag, :id =>
<% end%>

and I did this because otherwise the tag_list would appear as a single
string merged together, even if I use a split method. This works, or at
least it makes the tags appear singularly, but still, when I go to the
I get and empty page, even though the ROUTES.RB has this string
  match ':controller(/:action(/:id(.:format)))'

Sorry but I'm a little confused now on what's happening in your app. Please answer the following questions:

1.  is your view for the index and tag actions the same?
2.  since you are now using params[:id] instead of params[:name], are you getting the right posts?
3.  please post the corresponding routes line that matches /posts/tag/tag_name idea :-\

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