Ruby on Rails Monday, April 30, 2012

Marcos Serpa wrote in post #1058999:
> I'm searching for days, but I'm not finding a way to do this. How can I
> pass like an argument by 'link_to' the selected value of a selected_tag?
> Like this:
> <%= select_tag 'cities', options_from_collection_for_select(@cities,
> 'id',
> 'city') %>
> <%= link_to "See", deals_path(:id => ??) %>
> Just to clarify, all the code below is working perfectly. I just don't
> know
> what I put in '??' on the ":id => ??" to pass the selected value of the
> select_tag.

Okay, the first thing to realize is that a selection made by the user
using a select control does not notify the server of any change. The
browser downloads the page. The user makes their selection and "posts"
the form back to the server. There is nothing you can do server-side to
detect the selection when it actually occurs.

You will need to handle this on the client side using JavaScript. There
are multiple ways to handle that. I'll leave that as an exercise for
you. If you have any specific questions during the implementation of
that then please ask.

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