Thanks - and good call on the lambda for delaying evaluation of the user_id.
On Saturday, July 28, 2012 11:06:27 AM UTC-4, Frederick Cheung wrote:
On Saturday, July 28, 2012 4:20:36 AM UTC+1, tom_302 wrote:
NativeException ([from a java method of the legacy application]):
169:in `current_user' config/initializers/myapp.rb:
351:in `define_model_scope' config/initializers/myapp.rb:
625:in `acts_as_controlled' app/models/document.rb:2:in `Document'
app/models/document.rb:1:in `(root)'
app/models/document.rb:456:in `load_file'
controller.rb:1:in `(root)' app/controllers/documents_
controller.rb:456:in `load_file'
Rendered vendor/bundle/jruby/1.8/
bundler/gems/rails- 80f6547f5b25/actionpack/lib/ action_dispatch/middleware/ templates/rescues/_trace.erb (27.0ms) Rendered vendor/bundle/jruby/1.8/
bundler/gems/rails- 80f6547f5b25/actionpack/lib/ action_dispatch/middleware/ templates/rescues/_request_ and_response.erb (3.0ms) Rendered vendor/bundle/jruby/1.8/
bundler/gems/rails- 80f6547f5b25/actionpack/lib/ action_dispatch/middleware/ templates/rescues/diagnostics. erb within rescues/layout (46.0ms)
One solution would be to short-circuit acts_as_controlled if MGR.user isn't set, store a reference to the model, and finally execute acts_as_controlled on all referenced models at the end of the :before_filter method, but that approach would mean evaluating each model twice.
Is there a better way to make ApplicationController :before_filter execute before the Document model is evaluated by DocumentController?
This sounds horribly brittle (and in production mode the whole application is loaded at boot time, so I think you'll have problems too). I think you'd be better off rethinking how your acts_as_controlled method works(for example generate the scopes using lambda so that they can change their conditions at runtime)PS: Also, is it even safe to store the user id in a constant like MGR? I haven't seen any warnings about it being redefined so far, but I'm not quite sure how rails instances are managed across requests & sessions with JRuby and Tomcat.
That depends entirely on what MGR.user= does. That could be implemented in a threadsafe way (eg using Thread.current) or in a thread dangerous wayFred
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