Ruby on Rails Sunday, September 2, 2012

Hi Bruce,

On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 6:00 AM, Bruce Whealton <> wrote:

Anyway, I keep going in circles.  I get a message saying that I need to install gem msyql2 which I do and it reports back with no error and so I try again to install the app with the rails command and I get the same error.

I took a quick look at that tutorial, and if that's all you did you should be getting the index.html file that Rails installs (the tutorial left out the part where it tells you that you have to delete it).  If you did that, then you're into the app itself and your problem description doesn't say much about what you did in addition to the tutorial.

So.... need a little more info.  How are you installing the mysql2 gem?  Are you using Bundler?  Is the gem specified in the Gemfile?   Were you able to rake db:migrate or is that where you're having your problem?

Best regards,

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