Ruby on Rails Saturday, December 1, 2012

On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 9:29 AM, Frederick Cheung
<> wrote:
> Rails doesn't use rspec. It uses minitest (which is what test::unit is
> on 1.9). I don't think it has an equivalent fail fast option although
> there do appear to be some monkey patches floating around

What has what Rails uses to do with what you use personally? Are you
saying that because Rails uses Minitest I/(s)he/they/we can't use
RSpec, because all my Rails projects would like to have a word with
you if that's the case. Side note: Test::Unit is Minitest in 1.9. In
1.8 is when they /actually/ use Test::Unit (though I don't know if
that is the case with later versions of 1.8 since I took out about 1.8

That said, if Minitest doesn't have a FF option then use and I believe you'll be able to
throw out the `wtf?!?!?!?!?!!?` command right away and get the full
context around the last exception that happened and even run the REPL
to see how and why it happened.

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