Ruby on Rails Tuesday, August 6, 2013


I'm building a job board that uses a User model and a Job model. A user has many jobs, and a job belongs to a user.

I need the board to act like this:

If a user is logged in, he can see the jobs he created at /users/:user_id/jobs. If a user is not logged in, he can see all the jobs created by all users at /jobs.

Currently I have 2 routes who route to the same index action.


resources :users do
    resources :jobs, shallow: true
resources :jobs,            only: [:index]

rake routes

user_jobs GET    /users/:user_id/jobs(.:format)      jobs#index
jobs         GET    /jobs(.:format)                            jobs#index

Do I need the index action to conditionally check for the params[:user_id] or is there a better way to accomplish this?

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