Ruby on Rails Monday, March 31, 2014


I'm looking for a way to solve an error I get each times I run my functional tests. I have a Rails Engine gem (isolated), I have a JSON action with a route declared. But each times I use the method get in a test I get an ActionController::UrlGenerationError exception.

Here an example of code with the problem:
# config/routes.rb  MyEngine::Engine.routes.draw do    resources :cats, only: [:show], format: 'json'  end    # test/dummy/config/routes.rb  Rails.application.routes.draw do    mount MyEngine::Engine => '/my_engine'  end    # app/controllers/my_engine/cats_controller.rb  module MyEngine    class CatsController < ApplicationController      def show        render json: { hello: 'world' }      end    end  end    # test/controllers/my_engine/cats_controller_test.rb  module MyEngine    class CatsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase     test 'should get success' do        get :show, id: 42          assert_response :success      end    end  end
Here is an example of test return:

1) Error:  MyEngine:: CatsControllerTest#test_should_get_success:  ActionController::UrlGenerationError: No route matches {:action=>"show", :controller=>"my_engine/cats", :id=>"42"}

Anyone have an idea to solve this problem?


Geoffrey Roguelon

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