Ruby on Rails Monday, September 1, 2014

Yes there is something like that. Again it's difficult to say because i did this, but i love the idea of the shiny, diamond door.To me it means that Rails is a door to Marvels. I'm learning Rails since the 1.6-1.8 and i love so much what it's become for medium, big internet tools. For small sites, in one language, Rails still to heavy, there is too much things to do - my thinking - to think before you can publish. I hate PHP from the start (i was a Coldfusion dev) but for small sites, with small database and if you use i.e. Dreamweaver that can write some PHP and connect to the DB, Rails is no match - unfortunately i think. But when you have a good knowledge of rails multiplied by Javascript,it's a dream come true, and with the compilation process you can somehow protect your JS innovation/R&D.
So yes, for me there is something in common with a church and Rails

Warmest Regards

Le lundi 1 septembre 2014 06:12:59 UTC+2, Brandon a écrit :
I think it reminds me of stained glassed windows in churches! :)

On Sunday, August 31, 2014 9:01:38 AM UTC+8, Designby Lefty wrote:
What do you think guys ????? i think the Shiny Door is (sorry for the modesty) a great finding because soooo true.

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