Ruby on Rails Monday, February 29, 2016

> On Feb 28, 2016, at 7:24 PM, fugee ohu <> wrote:

> > Here's the code they provide, I tried but it doesn't have any effect so far
> >
> > blueimp.Gallery(
> > document.getElementById('links'),
> > {
> > onslide: function (index, slide) {
> > var text = this.list[index].getAttribute('data-description'),
> For the preceding line to work, your element needs to have the attribute data-description on it. Does it?
> > node = this.container.find('.description');
> For the preceding line to work, you need to have an empty HTML element with the classname description present in the page, within the container element of the slide (no clue where that means, I'm just interpreting the code for you). If that element exists, then it will be emptied and re-filled with the description.
> > node.empty();
> > if (text) {
> > node[0].appendChild(document.createTextNode(text));
> > }
> > }
> > }
> > );
> My guess is that you are missing one or more of these antecedents, and without them, the JS won't have anything to work with.
> Walter
> hi, thanks, i dunno what you mean by an empty html element with the classname description, i think you mean <div class="description"> but that's not my view Here's my view:
> <div id="links">
> <table>
> <%, false) do |row_tasks| %>
> <tr>
> <% for task in row_tasks do %>
> <td><a href= "<%= %>" data-description = "<%= task.comment %>" data-gallery ><%= image_tag( %></a></td>
> <% end %>
> <% end %>
> </tr>
> </table>
> </div>

Yes, you did get what I meant. Reading through the portion of the script you provided, I can't see where that element needs to be. Perhaps it is added by the lightbox code when it creates the overlay elements. In any case, you have added the correct data attributes to the link, so that part looks right. In the example for the gallery, was there any reference to creating a separate structure in the page html to receive the description? In the documentation, do they have an example page coded in HTML that includes a secondary overlay element or similar? Or is it all generated by the JS code when the page loads?


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