Ruby on Rails Saturday, August 20, 2016

The real challenge with the "flush now" idea is that you cannot generally (websockets and http2 change the game) continue to feed information to the browser later. so the flush now would break the connection to the browser. If you walk through the rack/rails stack, you will see that the final sending really ends up happening after you return from the call, in the same thread.

I'd suggest doing an asynchronous call to the slow systems in a new thread or use rabbitMQ or similar to take the request and run it in a different ruby thread, possibly in a different process (or container if you are using Docker and doing the microservices thing.) Redis will also let you use messaging like this, but risks storing the data on disk. (Actually, you run that risk anyway, given that the OS may swap out pages with the data to disk and then it lives on disk until the swap space is recycled....) Anyway, using a messaging system to offload the slow process lets the original request end quickly. You can then either have the client poll for the final result (a little uck, but very reliable without any added technology -- especially if you just do the slow request off of a thread) or use websockets to feed the results back when you know them.

Having been down the road you are suggesting of having a "flush", I can tell you that fighting the framework like that brings a lot of pain, and ongoing pain as time goes on and the underlying code changes.

Happy to advise if you PM me... I've BTDT.


On Friday, August 19, 2016 at 7:53:10 PM UTC-7, Phil wrote:

Thanks!  We're at a merchant tier where we're required to have 3rd party security audits every quarter.  We're compliant.  Our whole system from the datacenter to equipment to code is with PCI compliance in mind.  We could store the banking info ourselves, but I'd only do it if we had a server on a private network that was storing that information.  It is cheaper, easier and safer to use a service like's CIM, though.  Our service is odd in that we're very fluid in needing to charge and refund on the fly, security deposits, complex tax and other government agency compliances, trust accounts, talking directly to banks via ACH, etc.  If we were just selling widgets or something, it would be a lot easier to use something like you describe (like's SIM integration method).  And you are right, that's the safer/better route in many cases.

Thanks for the information, though.  I'm sure others here could find it interesting and valuable, too.


On Aug 19, 2016, at 10:23 AM, Brendon <> wrote:

If you are trying to be PCI compliant, then this approach just doesn't cut it. PCI DSS compliance rules apply to anybody who is Processing, Transmitting or Storing card info. Since your server is handling (processing and transmitting) the "banking information" it needs to be inside the PCI 'zone' with all the logging, software requirements physical access restrictions, etc. I'd strongly urge you to NOT do this.

If somebody gains access to your server, they can easily log the request parameters and *bang* you are liable for the data breach, even if you don't store the data. That is basically what happened at Target, where the system sent the card info out of the company until the breach was found.

The easy way to dodge PCI responsibility is to NEVER touch the sensitive data.

It is much easier than it used to be:
  1. You render your card info entry screen in the browser, but have the submit button go STRAIGHT to Stripe, Braintree,, etc.
  2. When the user submits, the browser sends the PCI data to the payment processor directly.
  3. They grab the payment info and do whatever needs doing... then
  4. The Payment processor then REDIRECTS the client back to your server with some context so you can match up the client, payment, etc.  
  5. You get the request from the client and do whatever you need to tell them if it worked or not.
Take a look at: for an overview. And then look at as an easy way of handling the details.

All the other providers provide similar capabilities -- and if they don't, change provider! I looked by Authorize has moved all the docs around so I grabbed the above from Stripe instead.

We are a Stripe customer and I've been a Braintree and customer in the past.

Good luck,

On Thursday, August 18, 2016 at 4:41:23 PM UTC-7, Phil wrote:

Have a few cases where it is critically important to flush the output of 'render' immediately.  For example:

 def place_order
  if validate_and_record_order?
   render :text => "OK"
   render :text => "ERROR"
  # Do lots of talking with banks, send out mailers, etc.

Another wrinkle here is we can't store the customer's banking information to run as a deferred task.  Ideally we just want to say 'flush the output' after the 'if' block.  Even if there's an exception after the 'if' we still don't want them to get a 500, we want them to get the OK/ERROR.

The problem we have is the people connecting to our app are sometimes timing out (they have a short timeout) and think the order failed when in fact it was recorded, customer was charged, etc.  I'm a little hesitant about using, but perhaps that's the only reasonable way to flush the output early?

btw- This is Rails 4.0.x, Apache+Passenger.



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1 comment:

Suseela said...

What an awesome post, I just read it from start to end. Learned something new after a long time.

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