Ruby on Rails Sunday, October 2, 2016

Faced a similar problem today and thought I'd post my solution. To figure this out I looked through the rails database.rake codebase:

ActiveRecord::Base.configurations["newdb"] = {
"adapter" => 'mysql2',
"encoding" => 'utf8',
"reconnect" => false,
"database" => 'newdb',
"pool" => 5,
"username" => '[username]',
"password" => '[password]',
"host" => '',
"port" => 3306,
ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.env = 'newdb'
ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.create # Creates the database, empty.
ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.migrate # Runs migrations against the new empty database.

On Wednesday, 17 February 2016 23:03:59 UTC+11, Pedro Marques wrote:

I know three years have passed, but I am looking to do exactly what you proposed on your first post, so I am interested in knowing if you have managed to so and if you did, how did you do it?

Thanks in advance.

quinta-feira, 4 de Abril de 2013 às 05:24:18 UTC-4, Johan Vauhkonen escreveu:
That kind of scenario was what I had initially in mind. Everyone has
the same models, just not the same database.

2013/4/4, Simon Macneall <>:
> We have toyed with creating separate databases for each customer as our
> combined one is starting to get quite large. In our case, the models will
> always be the same no matter which database you are connecting to, so
> there isn't any meta-programming involved. It's just a case of switching
> databases to the correct one for that customer once they log into the
> system.
> One thing to consider is that shared data needs to go somewhere (sessions,
> username/passwords etc) as well.
> Cheers
> Simon
> On Thu, 04 Apr 2013 16:34:21 +0800, Julian Leviston
> <> wrote:
>> Okay...
>> So to do this, you need to understand meta-programming to a degree
>> because that's what you're doing.
>> In normal Rails, you'd create a model as part of the development
>> process, but what you're doing is creating some code that creates models
>> itself (ie one level of abstraction higher than normal).
>> The equivalent straight ruby comparison is: (compare 1, with 2, below):
>> 1. Creating a class (this is normal programming)
>> class Cat
>>   def hi
>>     puts 'meow'
>>   end
>> end
>> You can then create new Cat objects like this:
>> furrycat =
>> and make it meow like this:
>> furrycat.hi
>> 2. Creating a piece of code that creates a class (this is
>> meta-programming)
>> a_class =
>> hi_method_block ={ puts 'meow' }
>> a_class.send(:define_method, :hi, &hi_method_block)
>> You can then create new "Cat" objects like this:
>> furrycat =
>> and make it meow like this:
>> furrycat.hi
>> ---
>> So...  assuming you followed that, then you'll understand that you could
>> do the same thing with ActiveRecord::Base classes, which is what forms
>> the bases for Active Record model classes. This is how you'd dynamically
>> LOAD one of your programmatically generated models. Creating the table
>> is just a matter of executing some arbitrary SQL which can be built
>> using ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute. (Eg to run a count of a
>> fictitious users table, you'd do this:
>> ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users;")
>> However, like I said, there's no point trying to do this until you can
>> walk, because this really is running. Most Rails devs hardly ever get
>> into this stuff. I've been a Rails developer since 2005, and I've only
>> done this sort of dynamic table and database thing once or twice in
>> practice.
>> Julian
>> On 04/04/2013, at 6:43 PM, Johan Vauhkonen <>
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks for posting, I appreciate the feedback.
>>> I'll start with keeping everything within a single database and take it
>>> from there.
>>> You are right Julian in that I am new with RoR and what I've asked for
>>> is advanced.
>>> I'm still curious though how creating databases dynamically would be
>>> done so if it's explained anywhere I'd love to read it!
>>> 2013/4/4 Julian Leviston <>
>>> On 04/04/2013, at 6:05 PM, Johan Vauhkonen <>
>>> wrote:
>>> > Thanks for replying, Julian.
>>> >
>>> > Can you point me to any resources that describe how to do it?
>>> >
>>> > I agree that I should not optimize prematurely but what I'm
>>> considering is which is easier,
>>> > to go with dynamically creating databases from the start or to
>>> extract data from the single database to new databases later on?
>>> >
>>> > It's at least something to keep in the back of my mind.
>>> Hi,
>>> You shouldn't attempt to do this if you don't already understand enough
>>> Ruby / Rails to do it yourself.
>>> So, I suggest sticking with what you *can* do first.
>>> This might sound like a cop out, but there's very good reason. It's
>>> very advanced Rails and you really shouldn't attempt something like
>>> this until you understand the basics really well IMHO.
>>> Julian
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