My comments interspersed.
And thank you for your quick reply.
Tuesday, July 25, 2017, 1:00:16 PM, you wrote:
HS> On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 11:40 AM, Ralph Shnelvar <ralphs@dos32.com> wrote:
>> My question: Is there a way for Rails to know if it is running under Apache
>> or under Webrick?
>> Background:
>> I run my Rails website in two environments
>> 1) Under webrick
>> 2) Under Apache
HS> ? "environment" usually refers to one of "development", "test", or
HS> "production".
Ok ... you are correct.
So what is the correct phrase for knowing what kind of server Rails is running under?
HS> Also, what does "under Apache" mean? Using Passenger? Or as
HS> a proxy? If the latter, something has to be doing the actual serving
HS> (i.e. puma, unicorn, thin, webrick (not in production!)).
"Under Apache" means, I think, Apache is somewhere in the rack. (My understanding of "rack" is, at best, nebulous.
HS> Clarification?
Hassan, you know a LOT more about this than I do. If my English is unclear, it is because I'm not sure of what I am talking about.
So, again, thank you for your response and patience.
HS> --
HS> Hassan Schroeder ------------------------ hassan.schroeder@gmail.com
HS> twitter: @hassan
HS> Consulting Availability : Silicon Valley or remote
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