Ruby on Rails Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Hi everyone,

I am happy to announce that Rails 5.2.1 has been released.

## CHANGES since 5.2.0

To view the changes for each gem, please read the changelogs on GitHub:

* [Action Cable CHANGELOG](
* [Action Mailer CHANGELOG](
* [Action Pack CHANGELOG](
* [Action View CHANGELOG](
* [Active Job CHANGELOG](
* [Active Model CHANGELOG](
* [Active Record CHANGELOG](
* [Active Storage CHANGELOG](
* [Active Support CHANGELOG](
* [Railties CHANGELOG](

*Full listing*

To see the full list of changes, [check out all the commits on

## SHA-256

If you'd like to verify that your gem is the same as the one I've uploaded,
please use these SHA-256 hashes.

Here are the checksums for 5.2.1:

$ shasum -a 256 *-5.2.1.gem
ce0d3cf1c76afd3a2f8a751542e2ddfe48cf4005d426a09775b944a780ed6d9f actioncable-5.2.1.gem
a667ecf76d300a8faebc5125c25ddb4e46d9c96496c206eee7e02a79c8c33640 actionmailer-5.2.1.gem
8eb8407ad4c836c46285720b05fa7600bec0327fddc3127b43edf2987a4cfba7 actionpack-5.2.1.gem
ae45abf777e829e31c6d3a66f43ed792a657b91fe9b5f322f1f63e7bb4b4aa37 actionview-5.2.1.gem
79383a8dad75cf39677a0096109fc9dcf61cfcf1ef39aeddf2347486c03f94d4 activejob-5.2.1.gem
a45939b9b0e23225d81786519dda2f1ba9f1568012682aa344d8b1e154b77610 activemodel-5.2.1.gem
ef3c520c782d5e51ee67231d4b6167db0166d4b451d0c835e0577eb89967875d activerecord-5.2.1.gem
4ff9bba1a317bfbc5cd9349bb4e00f6e0aff76d237d68a71ad524b92e0c8cc72 activestorage-5.2.1.gem
829a480f2cf3747b5e94429d983dfb1645a27d506b365642d08ecc3066373e7e activesupport-5.2.1.gem
776cfea45140972f1780236748f7cfe72cf95c032056812128433273c366078c rails-5.2.1.gem
1ba71ee5ec7d85567f9984df1dae2eb7e6c8c2855e6b810582719fb5db20c3a7 railties-5.2.1.gem

As always, huge thanks to the many contributors who helped with this release.

Rafael França

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