Ruby on Rails Wednesday, August 1, 2018


This is an add-on to David Merrick's answer.

Since this is for a school class, it's unlikely to have more than, say, 50 students.

Your database query could bring in up to 50 students and then you could build a view with something like the following pseudo-code
 <% students.each do |student| %>
     /* build a line or lines identifying the student and radio buttons indicating attendance */
 <% end %>
 /* submit button */

Of course, if you have more than 50 (or whatever) students, the logic becomes a bit more complicated - but not by much.

I think this would be preferred over a one-student-per-screen approach.


Tuesday, July 31, 2018, 3:34:23 PM, you wrote:

What I am trying to do is in my application is add Student Attendance for the day.

What I would like to have is a form that a teacher goes to every morning on their computer or iPad with the list of his/her students and he/she just has a list of option buttons beside each student with the student's attendance for that day. They just tap the option that is correct by each student...

The options will typically be Present, Absent, Half-Day District, Half-Day CTC, Full-Day District...

Has anyone done something like this I can look at the code or do you have suggestions on how I can do this...

I've been googling and watching videos and nothing does what I am looking for...

John Sanderbeck
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