Ruby on Rails Monday, October 21, 2019

On Thursday, September 26, 2019 at 5:03:00 PM UTC-4, Ariel Juodziukynas wrote:
You were asking a way to store different values, I thought you wanted to preserve the type (so you can distinguish 1 from "1" when you read the record).

If you think strings are enough for your requirements just use a string column, if you want to use one column to store values but preserve the original type you have to serialize the value somehow (that's the is_a?... when serializing and the case when casting).

Another option is to use two columns: one for the stringified value and one for the original type so you can parse that again.

El jue., 26 sept. 2019 a las 17:57, fugee ohu (<>) escribió:

On Thursday, September 26, 2019 at 4:32:10 PM UTC-4, Ariel Juodziukynas wrote:
The easiest but too big is a text columns so you can use activerecord' serialization of attributes to save anything you want on a text field and activerecord will handle casting.

You could use a string column if you know your values won't be too big (VARCHAR(255)) and you know what types you want to accept and handle serialization yourself like:

    def value=(something)
      val = if value.is_a?(Integer)
            elsif value.is_a?(String)
            elsif value.is_a?(Date)
            # etc...
      write_attribute(:value, val)

    def value
      type, val = read_attribute(:value).split(':')
      case type
      when "integer" then val.to_i
      when "string" then val
      when "date" then Date.parse(val)

El jue., 26 sept. 2019 a las 17:17, fugee ohu (<>) escribió:

On Monday, September 16, 2019 at 4:31:29 PM UTC-4, Ariel Juodziukynas wrote:
Personally, I would do this:

auctions table
(with the basic shared information of all auctions and an "auction type"))

properties table
property_name (like network, carrier, publisher, etc)
auction_type (like cellphone, book, etc)


That way you can have any number of auction types with any number of specific properties with just 3 tables.

Note that the "value" column would be some string variation (VARCHAR, CHAR, TEXT, etc) depending on your needs, maybe you want to redesign it a little if you want to store different types. Like if you want to store an integer (and retrieve an integer) you'll have to save the original type and reparse it (you could use serialization but that requires a TEXT column and maybe you can't use that many space)

El lun., 16 sept. 2019 a las 17:19, fugee ohu (<>) escribió:
I was looking at some auction projects that use a single listings table for all auctions but I know on auction sites the form will be different for different types of items like if you're selling a cell phone there'll be a form field for network, carrier, whatever and if you're selling a book there'll be form fields for publisher, year of publication,  so they would have separate tables I assume for books, cell phones, etc? Then how would they treat them all as one?

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What data type do you suggest for value column

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 If I'm using a string column then whatever value is put in it is a string, so I don't understand all these "'if value.is_a?" conditions

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NameError: uninitialized constant Item::ItemProperties

class Item < ApplicationRecord
 has_many :boxes
 has_many :item_pictures
 has_many :pictures, through: :item_pictures
 has_many :item_item_properties, primary_key: 'item_type', foreign_key: 'item_type'
 has_many :item_properties, through: :item_item_properties
 ITEM_TYPES =  ['General', 'Book', 'Record', 'Magazine', 'Pez dispenser', 'CD', 'VHS casette']
 validates :item_type, inclusion: ITEM_TYPES
 attr_accessor "Year"

class ItemItemProperty < ApplicationRecord
 belongs_to :items, primary_key: 'item_type', foreign_key: 'item_type'
 belongs_to :item_properties, primary_key: 'item_type', foreign_key: 'item_type'

class ItemProperty < ApplicationRecord
 has_many :item_item_properties, primary_key: 'item_type', foreign_key: 'item_type'
 has_many :items, through: :item_item_properties

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