Ruby on Rails Saturday, March 31, 2012

I tried out some code in my console and I am having difficulty translating it for my view and controller so that it gives me the same result. My console:          @contract = "900700", st_date:"2012-01-01", end_date: "2012-30-06")          @code = "S-5463", status: "Active",  description: "This and That")          @codeline = => "80.00", :contract => @contract)          @codeline         => #<Codeline id: 91, contract_id: 64, code_id: 54, units_alloc: 80.00>  Using pgadmin3 I check my codelines table and I get the same result namely:          id    contract_id    code_id   units_alloc         91         64            54       80.00  But if I try to run this through my contracts_controller and view I get:          id    contract_id    code_id   units_alloc         1         1           1               ---I think this record comes from the         1         1                     80.00 ---I think this record comes from the => params[:units_alloc],:contract => @contract)   Here are my models:    class Contract < AR::Base     has_many :codelines     has_many :codes, :through => :codelines      accepts_nested_attributes_for :codes      attr_accessible :codes_attributes,:codes,:authnum,:st_date,:end_date   end    class Codeline < AR::Base     belongs_to :contract     belongs_to :code     units_alloc ...... this is the attribute I would like to set   end    class Code < AR::Base     has_many :codelines     has_many :contracts, :through => :codelines   end  The new/create action of my app/controllers/contracts_controller.rb    def new     @contract = => params[:units_alloc],:contract => @contract)   end    def create      @contract =[:contract])      if        flash[:success] = "New Contract has been saved"        redirect_to @contract      else        @title = "You have some errors"        render 'new'      end    end  the partial for my view in app/views/contracts/_fields.html.haml      = f.fields_for :codes do |ff|       .field          = ff.label :name, "Code Name"          %br/          = ff.text_field :code_name       .field       .       .     = f.fields_for :codelines do |ff|       .field         = ff.label :name, "Units Alloc"         %br/         = ff.text_field :units_alloc

Can you please have a look at this and give me some direction?


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