Ruby on Rails Monday, March 31, 2014

Patrick Peak spoke at the dcrug meet up just last month.  He (and his company BrowserMedia / nclude) are actively finishing up the Rails 4 version.  I think he’d be pretty interested in feedback and perhaps some contributions.  BrowserMedia uses the CMS for a lot of their projects so I have no doubt that Patrick will get it Rails 4 ready.

Maybe message him at peakpg on github.


Locomotivecms has a good website to go with it with some real docs and videos and an active google group so it seems like platform that might have some continued development moving forward.  The wagon / engine dichotomy had me a bit confused in the beginning (wagon is only a front end tool, not the entire app)

I did not even see comfy…sofa on my pass through rails CMS’s a few weeks back.  The group seems much less active than comfy.  I’ve also had some trouble even finding a few comfy demo sites to review.  Doc is very tech-y.

Overall, locomotive seems the most polished for now.

On Mar 31, 2014, at 4:26 PM, Peter D Bethke <> wrote:

Hello all,

I’m moving to Rails from another OO language where I’ve built my own extensive CMS systems - and I’m the kind of guy who learns by breaking things and figuring out why they broke. Strange method but true - I guess I’m just the impatient sort :)

Since I’m most familiar with CMS architecture and multi-level user/group/authenicated access systems I thought it logical to start with a Rails CMS app to see how its put together there. Naturally I’m at a loss where to start because there seem to be a lot of them.

Initially I was interested in BrowserCMS because of its in-page editing (neat) and group-based access model, but although it says its Rails 4 compatible, when I load the gem it downloads a whole slew of Rails 3.2 gems to support it - leading me to believe its not truly Rails 4 ready. Maybe I’m mistaken.

Now I’m considering Comfortable Mexican Sofa because its really seems to be actively developed and does seem to function as a plug-in instead of a self-enclosed system (leaving me more to mess around with), though it seems to lack a robust user system (though from what I have read “there’s a gem for that”).

I’ve looked at Refinery (seems really out of date) and locomotive and a few others. Comfy seems the only one that is making an effort to stay up with the latest rails. I may be wrong - just an initial impression. 

Any thoughts? Just looking for an impartial recommendation for an “experienced newbie” as it were.


Peter Bethke

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