Ruby on Rails Saturday, June 17, 2017

I currently have a Rails 5 application acting as my back-end,we can call this the "Core." I also have another Angular 1.6.4 application acting as my front-end, which is serving up Angular client side,And integrate with backed-end application through angular-actionable we can call this the "Front". These are two completely separate applications with completely different domains.

Basically, I am trying to integrate Action Cable through the Core and have it talk to the Front. I'm using this service here for the Front:  enter link description here. As far as the Core, that's just basic Action Cable set up.

I have a list of chat rooms on admin side. 

Problem: I sent message from client side but it broadcast message to all the chat rooms in admin side.I try to give the specific path of chat room in stream but still it broadcast message to all chat rooms.

I want to broadcast the message to specific chat room.How i give specific path to broadcast message to specific chat room ????



class ChatChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel     def subscribed        stream_from stream_name     end     def unsubscribed       stop_all_streams     end       def receive(data)         ActionCable.server.broadcast stream_name,  data.fetch('message')     end       private       def stream_name        "chat_channel_#{chat_id}"     end       def chat_id        params.fetch('data').fetch('chat')     end  end
chatCtrl.js (ActionCableConfig){     ActionCableConfig.debug = true;     ActionCableConfig.wsUri= "ws://localhost:3000/cable";  });  app.controller('chatCtrl', ['$scope', 'ActionCableChannel',  function($scope, ActionCableChannel) {      var consumer = new ActionCableChannel("ChatChannel", { chat: 'localhost:3000/#!/chat/1'});    var callback = function(message) {      $scope.myData.push(message);    };    consumer.subscribe(callback).then(function(){      $scope.sendToMyChannel = function(message){        consumer.send(;      };      $scope.$on("$destroy", function(){        consumer.unsubscribe().then(function(){ $scope.sendToMyChannel = undefined; });      });    });  }  ]);

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